EAS Case Study – Lisa’s Story

EAS case study Lisa’s Story Across year twelve, Lisa’s grades declined. Worried about her Mum’s health and worn out from so much paid work outside school hours, she struggled to concentrate in class and had little time for homework. When she received her final results, she knew they were well below what she was capable […]
Is now your time?

Is now your time? By the QTAC Marketing Team Have you been thinking about doing some further study, but it’s been a while since you left school? Applicants who are not currently in year 12 generally make up over half the QTAC applicants each year, so don’t worry that you’ll be the oldest in a […]
Did you know that Higher Education is a Human Right?

Did you know that Higher Education is a Human Right? By the QTAC MarketingTeam At the 2022 UNESCO World Higher Education Conference in Barcelona in Spain in May, UNESCO’s Director General reaffirmed that higher education is not, and should not become a privilege, but is an integral part of the fundamental right to education. Countries need to […]
Busting the Myths about Selection Ranks

Busting the Myths about Selection Ranks By the QTAC Marketing Team Many students working hard to get into a chosen course will be aiming for that magic number – the selection rank ‘cut-off’ (or minimum selection threshold) which may make them eligible for their course. A selection rank is the rank required for eligibility for entry into […]
So you’ve finished Year 12. Where to from here?

So you’ve finished Year 12. Where to from here? By the QTAC Marketing Team Congratulations. No matter your pathway, achieving your ATAR and/or VET qualification is a significant achievement for those looking to study further after school. To help you keep on track with your QTAC application and upcoming offer rounds we’ve put together a […]
Applicant Spotlight: Regional Year 12 graduate overcomes challenges to achieve study goals

Applicant Spotlight: Regional Year 12 graduate overcomes challenges to achieve study goals By the QTAC Marketing Team Regional students face unique challenges not usually experienced by those living in major cities. Leanne, one of our QTAC applicants and a 2022 Year 12 graduate from Innisfail in Far North Queensland, shares her story as an inspiration […]
First-in-family students pave the way to university success

First-in-family students pave the way to university success By the QTAC Marketing Team With the start of the new academic year, across Queensland thousands of students will be starting university for the first time. Many high-achieving Year 12 graduates from 2022 will be reaping the rewards of their academic success and taking up a place […]
Regional student reaches for the skies

Regional student reaches for the skies By the QTAC Marketing Team 2022 Year 12 graduate Gwyneth will be making the big move from Port Douglas to Brisbane to follow her dream of becoming an airline pilot. Gwyneth received an offer from Griffith University for her first preference, the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Aviation. She […]
Hot Tips: Your ultimate guide to a successful QTAC Application

Hot Tips: Your ultimate guide to a successful QTAC Application By the QTAC Marketing Team Looking to make your QTAC application a smooth success? Here are valuable tips from our Assessment & Information Services Team to give you the best chance of securing an offer for your preferred preference*. Research Wisely: Explore course options and admission criteria using […]
Zander: Navigating the Uncertainties with Determination

STUDENTS Zander: Navigating the Uncertainties with Determination By the QTAC Marketing Team Join us in celebrating the accomplishments of another inspiring student who was one of this year’s TSXPO Prize Pack winners, Zander Vollenhoven from Ferny Grove State High School. Zander has a clear vision for his future – he aspires to study engineering at […]